Divine Mercy Conference 2024 - MORE HERE
The Friends of Divine Mercy arranged for the installation of the Divine Mercy Shrine here in Scotland In conjunction with Fr. Jude Okorie, parish St Mary's parish Paisley.The Shrine was opened by Fr. Jason Jones, Parish Priest at Sacred Heart, Morriston, Swansea; Fr. Jason was a constant guide to the FODMS in establishing this shrine. Bishop John Keenan installed a 1st class relic of our beloved St. Faustina on Divine Mercy Sunday 2021. This was attended by the maximum amount of people allowed in the church at this time. Sancta Familia filmed this event and published it live on youtube, where it was watched by hundreds of devotees to Divine Mercy. The venue is a great centre for Divine Mercy events including monthly Divine Mercy Masses and Adoration on the last Wednesday of each month. Also, the annual Divine Mercy Sunday celebrations are held at the shrine.
Parish Priest: Fr Jude Okorie
Divine Mercy Shrine - Scotland
Daily Mass:
Saturday (Vigil Mass): 4:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 am & 12 noon Mon-Sat 9:30 AM (except Wednesday) Wednesday: 7:00pm
Saturday 10:00 -10:30am & 4:00 – 4:25pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00am – 9:25am Saturday: 9-9:25, after Mass – 10:30am
Divine Mercy Devotions
Prayers: Friday mornings after Mass
Divine Mercy Mass & Devotion:
Every Last Wednesday of the Month @ 7:00pm - Celebrated by Monsignor Joe Burke
Our Divine Mercy Shrine offers visitors a unique opportunity to share in the message and devotion of Divine Mercy.
You are very welcome to visit us; attend Mass, Adoration, Divine Mercy prayers or, our monthly dedicated Divine Mercy Mass